Over the past 8 years as Judge of County Court at Law No. 1, I have had the opportunity to meet so many of you. Some of you I met during your jury service, in my probate court or while attending a community event and function. It has been a joy and pleasure to serve you as Judge and I am asking for your support again.
When I took office in 2014, I did so with multiple campaign goals. I told you that I would use my background to implement new technology within the courtroom, improve the quality and support our juveniles receive within the justice system, and find innovative ways to reduce case backlogs. Over the past 8 years, I believe I have accomplished those goals and then some.
In my third year on the bench, I had the honor and privilege to serve as the Administrative Judge for the County Courts at Law, capitalizing on my unique skill set to advance the Courts into the 21st century and guide them through complex legal issues. My docket control techniques and programs have been so successful in improving the efficiency of my Court, you will find that many of the other County Courts at Law have adopted them as well. Further, the implementation of annual continuing legal education lectures for attorney’s practicing in my Court has been very well received. This past year alone I had over 100 attendees at my Practicing Probate in County Court at Law No. 1 lecture.
However, there is always room for improvement. The Courts need prudent leadership more than ever, and I am asking for your VOTE in 2022.

County Court at Law No. 1
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